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EUC World
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EUC World Garmin app now available

Sebastian "Seba" Łastowski
November 23, 2023

I am very pleased to inform all EUC World app users that a companion app for Garmin watches is now available in Connect IQ store. I am sure this information will please many of you, as an app on a watch is a great convenience that also improves safety – both of the rider and his phone. The rider will be informed visually and haptically of every alarm, while at the same time a quick glance at the watch display is enough to know the speed, safety margin, battery level, motherboard temperature and other key ride parameters. With the most important information displayed right on your wrist, you don’t have to reach for your phone, which, tucked safely in your pocket or backpack, has a better chance of avoiding damage in the event of a fall.

Most Garmin watches are equipped with “memory-in-pixel” display. This translates into a much longer run time per battery charge, which will be particularly important for long-distance riders. Although this type of display does not offer the vivid colours that the OLED displays offer, it does provide high contrast in even the strongest sunlight. The Garmin watch app will therefore find favour with those who value independence and who spend a lot of time riding on the wheel, especially during long summer days.

The app’s main screen presents the same view as we know from the EUC World app. There are also other screens that present only selected information, improving data refresh rate. This will please those who want to focus on safety margin or speed, for example. Alarms defined in the phone app are transferred to the watch and presented visually, but also signalled by vibration. In addition, it is possible to define a quick action in the watch settings on the phone app, triggered by pressing the top right button of the watch.

Work on the app took much longer than I had originally anticipated. It was also not without problems when the app was published. Fortunately, all these problems are now behind us. I encourage owners of Garmin watches to try out the new app and share with me your opinion and insights. At the same time, I want to point out that the watch app requires the EUC World app to be updated to version 2.36.2 or later. You may also need to update the Garmin Connect app on your phone. The watch app supports all modern Garmin watches with a round display.

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