Frequently asked questions
Here you'll find the most frequently asked questions I get from users. It is very likely that you will find the answer to your question there as well. If your question isn't answered here, there are other options to get support.
EUC World supports all modern electric unicycles:
- Begode (all models)
- Extreme Bull (all models)
- Gotway (all models)
- Inmotion (all models except E201 and V91)
- King Song (all models)
- Ninebot (all models)
- NOSFET (all models)
- Rockwheel (GT16)
- Solowheel (Glide 2 and Glide 3)
- Veteran (all models)
1 Support for Inmotion E20 and V9 is under development.
EUC World require at least Android 6 or newer. Of course, more RAM, CPU gigahertz and CPU cores is better. Because EUC World is intended to work continuously and stay connected with your wheel during entire ride, it will draw more power from battery. Having a device with larger battery is a good idea.
Some EUC World features require GPS. Also you may need Internet connection, however EUC World app doesn't require that this connection will be always available. Especially, you don't need cellular connection/data plan to use these features. In most cases, an occasional connection to the Internet via WiFi will suffice. However, if you want to share your tour live or have information on the current weather situation, you will need active Internet connection and GPS enabled.
While EUC World works great without any other peripherials, you may enhance your experience by using special companion app running on a smartwatch. Currently, following watches are supported by EUC World:
- Pebble1
- Android Wear 1.4 and newer
- Wear OS
- Samsung Gear S31, Galaxy Watch1, Galaxy Watch Active1, Galaxy Watch Active 21, Galaxy Watch 3, Galaxy Watch 4 and newer Wear OS based watches
- Garmin (all round screen watches supporting API 3.1.0 and newer)
1 Pebble and Tizen-based watches are no longer manufactured and supported by their manufacturers, so any support already available in EUC World is provided as-is.
Currently, following smartglasses are supported by EUC World:
- ActiveLook ENGO
- ActiveLook ENGO 2
Additionally, I'm considering adding support for MOTOEYE E6, however it's too early to provide any details.
The smart button can be used to activate various functions defined by the user. This allows turning lights on and off, activating the horn, controlling AVAS, or triggering voice announcements. Currently, following buttons are supported by EUC World:
- Flic
- Flic 2
A rear view radar allows for continuous monitoring of what’s happening behind you while riding. When connected to a compatible rear view radar, EUC World can alert you with sound about vehicles and other objects approaching you from behind. The sound characteristics provide composite information about the distance and the speed of approach, ensuring that nothing catches you by surprise and keeping your safety at the highest level. Currently, following rear view radars are supported by EUC World:
- Garmin Varia RVR315
- Garmin Varia RTL515
- Garmin Varia RTL516
- Garmin Varia eRTL615
- Garmin Varia RCT715
A smart plug can be used to control a regular, "dumb" charger (e.g., a factory charger), allowing you to manage and control the charging process as if it were a smart charger. Currently, following smart plugs are supported by EUC World:
- TP-Link HS1101
- Shelly Plug S (CEE 7/7, for most of European users)2
- Shelly Plus Plug S (CEE 7/7, for most of European users)
- Shelly Plus Plug IT (Italian Type L, for Italian users)
- Shelly Plus Plug UK (UK BS 1363, for UK users)
- Shelly Plus Plug US (NEMA, for US users)
1 HS110 is a discontinued product.
2 This device has limited capabilities.
There are a many iPhone users among riders all over the world. EUC World is an app that is currently the best rated and most loved app for electric unicycles. Its only drawback is that it is now only available for Android phone users. However, I have good news - this is about to change.
In 2023 work has started on a successor of EUC World. New EUC World 3 will support both Android and iOS. Given that the current EUC World is an extremely complex application that is developed by only one man, it's hard to estimate release date of first version of EUC World 3 for iOS. However, I'm doing my best to make it happen sooner than later.
However, if you don't want to wait and already want to take advantage of the wealth of features EUC World offers, then you might consider buying an inexpensive, used Android phone. This solution is also advantageous in that, in the event of any accident, you will eventually scrap a cheap Android phone and not your precious iPhone.
You can even consider using a Lemfo Lem T or TicWris Max - fully-featured Android phones in a larger smartwatch form factor. Please however bear in mind that these devices have limited capabilities and may underperform in some areas.
User Account
EUC World uses some online features that are served by EUC World servers. To securely access these services, user has to be authenticated. In addition, EUC World allows you to record your tours, share them with others, store data logs, download AVAS sound packs, access personal statistics, get weather informations for your riding area, view user rankings and many more. These features would be impossible without an account.
I understand this perfectly! I too value my privacy very much, and in addition, I am one of the most active users of EUC World! That's why I want this project to give everyone the protection I want for myself.
You will not find advertising, analytics or any profiling tools here. I also do not share any user data with third parties. Your email address and other personal data is only used for me to comply with EU law, to allow you to log in and manage your account and for payment processing and tax purposes. Only on very rare occasions will I send you an email that contains important changes or news you should know about.
Remember - you can always create a separate email account dedicated to EUC World. Just remember to always have access to it.
There are two possibilities. Either you made a mistake in your email address or you did not activate your account. When you created your account, an email containing an activation link was sent to the email address you provided. In order to activate your account, you must click on this link.
If you made a typo in your email address, the activation email could not be delivered. In this case please register again, taking care to ensure that your email address is correct. Your chosen user name will be available again 24 hours after unsuccessful registration.
It is also possible that the activation email was classified as spam by your email provider's server. In that case, it may have ended up in your "Spam" folder, but it may also have been rejected. For example, Hotmail is known to occasionally reject emails sent from EUC World servers. You can try adding to your whitelist and try registering again after 24 hours. Otherwise, try registering with a different email address or even different email provider.
You can easily reset your password here.
EUC World is a community-supported project that includes phone application, companion apps for smartwatches, website and online services. Because this is a niche project (as niche as our wheels are), it is expensive to develop and maintain. On the other hand, all the most important features of EUC World are available completely free of charge. In order for this project to exist and be continuously developed, ongoing funding is needed. For this reason, every user can decide to support EUC World by becoming a Premium user. The funds from Premium subscriptions are used to cover costs of EUC World project development and maintenance.
Premium membership unlocks all features of EUC World and also gives user access to a dedicated support. Becoming a Premium member is a mutual benefit - you can enjoy the full potential of EUC World and additional privileges dedicated exclusively to Premium users, and I can continue to develop this project for the benefit of you and our entire community.
No! Each payment is a one-time payment that will not be automatically recurring. You can extend the validity of your Premium account at any time by making another payment. When your Premium account expires, you can continue to use EUC World as a regular user.
You can check the expiration date of your premium account at any time by accessing the application menu or signing in to the EUC World website.
First of all, you will be able to take advantage of many exclusive features, dedicated only to Premium users like AVAS, video recording with speedometer overlay, live weather information, charging control feature, HUD smartglasses and rearview radar support, personal heatmap and many more! Moreover, you will be a part of an elite group of EUC World users who have decided to support the development of this unique and helpful application. You'll also get priority support and get rid of any messages encouraging you to support EUC World.
You can learn more here.
Once the payment has been made, the EUC World application must be restarted so it can synchronize your new Premium account status. It is also important that the application has Internet access at the time of restart. Please note that the app does not stop working when you go to the home screen; it will continue to run in background. You need to explicitly close it from the application menu or with the "Back" gesture from the main screen. If you are unsure whether the app has been successfully closed, restart your phone just to be sure.
Also it may happen that payment has been finally rejected or cancelled. If you have this problem, please email with your payment information and either your EUC World username or the email address associated with your EUC World account.
Basically no. Much of the costs I incur in maintaining the EUC World project are recurring costs. For this reason, it is important that user support is also periodic. This also makes it easier for me to secure the ongoing development of the project, which translates into user satisfaction.
It's however possible to get lifetime Premium account by contributing to EUC World, for example by providing new translation or completing translation that has been started but is only partially done. If this is the way you'd like to go, send me your contribution proposal to