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I strive to make EUC World trouble-free and a reliable tool for every EUC rider. However, there may be times when you need assistance. Below you’ll will find information on where and how you can get support related to EUC World.

Community support

EUC World is a community-supported application, and this also means that you should seek help from online forums and discussion groups in the first place. The most recommended source of information is the Electric Unicycle Forum, and in particular its Apps and App-related gadgets section. This section is a great source of knowledge about EUC World. It’s very possible that someone else has already dealt with your problem and described it on the forum. So before you ask a question on the forum, please use the search engine. Finally, there’s an “Electric Unicycle dot org EUC” Facebook group with more than 24 thousand users. It may be a good place to seek for help too.

Frequently Asked Questions

On the Frequently Asked Questions page, I try to answer the most common recurring questions from users. It is very likely that you will find the answer to your question there as well.

Official EUC World Youtube channel

The official EUC World Youtube channel is a valuable source of advices, tips and tricks. There you’ll find videos on topics of particular interest to EUC World users. The videos are available in English, and some of them include subtitles that can be automatically translated into your language.

EUC World Blog

The EUC World Blog is another valuable resource. You will find articles containing tips, hints, description of EUC World features and a lot of interesting information from the world of electric unicycles. Thanks to automatic translation provided by DeepL, articles are available in most languages supported by EUC World.

Report an issue in application

If you have a problem with the operation of the EUC World application, please use the issue reporting tool available in the application menu.

Send an email

If you are still not able to find a solution to your problem with EUC World, if you want to submit an interesting idea, or if you want to give the EUC World developer some feedback, you can always write an email to support@euc.world. I try to answer every email as soon as possible and usually you will get an answer within a few hours, but it may happen that you will have to wait longer. Please keep in mind that EUC World is a non-commercial project, made of passion and developed in my limited free time. I have a normal daily job and personal life. It may also happen that I get sick, go on a business trip for a few days or take a longer vacation. Please take that into consideration.

Help me to help you

I am trying to devote as much time as possible to the development of EUC World, so the time left for communication with users is limited. If you need my help, please also help me. Try to describe your problem in details, as accurately as possible. Attach screenshots if you think they might help me solve your problem. When contacting me please use English or Polish language. If you don’t speak English well, please use an automatic translator like DeepL or Google Translate. Requests in languages other than English or Polish may not be responded to.

I try to help everyone, even those who do not support me or the EUC World project in any way. However, my priority will always be to help those users who help me by supporting the development and maintenance of the EUC World project. Therefore, it may happen that if I’ll be short of free time, I will only be able to handle problem reports coming from Premium users.

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