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Support EUC World and get 20% more

Sebastian "Seba" Łastowski
December 12, 2022

Did you know that the vast majority of EUC World users live in the northern hemisphere? Just a glance at the heat map on EUC World website is enough to see that the most tours are recorded in the US and Europe. But the numbers tell even more. Of all the tours recorded in 2022, only 7% are those users located in the southern hemisphere. And if you look at the total distance of tours recorded in 2022, less than 6% of that distance was traveled by users from the southern part of the globe.

Meanwhile, winter is currently on its way in the northern hemisphere – a time of year that is not favorable for active use of electric unicycles. Most users give up riding in winter, and that usually means they give up using the EUC World app. So it should come as no surprise that user support for the EUC World project drops dramatically during the winter period. Meanwhile, the winter period is the time when the project develops the fastest and needs sustained funding.

I, too, spend much less time riding on the wheel in winter, as snow, ice and cold weather doesn’t help riding for longer distances and/or longer periods of time. So instead of riding, I can spend much more time on developing EUC World. It is during the winter that I can prepare EUC World for the next season so that users can start the season with a much better and feature-rich application. That’s why uninterrupted support from users is so important to EUC World. Especially that a new major version of the app is just being developed, which will also be available for iPhone users!

That’s why I’m asking you very much that the winter break from riding your wheel doesn’t have to mean a break in supporting EUC World project. Thanks to your continued support, you will enter the next season with an app that will take even better care of your safety and driving pleasure. And to further thank you for your support, every donation made by January 2, 2023 will result in a 20% longer Premium validity period!

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