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EUC World
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Important changes to EUC World Premium features as of August 1, 2022

Sebastian "Seba" Łastowski
July 18, 2022

In the northern hemisphere, summer is in full swing and the days are long and warm. In many places we’re now having a summer vacations. This is the best time to enjoy riding an electric unicycle. Unfortunately, the global economic situation is not only far from being good. Actually, it’s getting worse. Galloping inflation is causing price hikes for all products and services, which is most evident when we’ll take a look at energy and fuel prices. Therefore, it’s a good idea to take advantage of the fact that riding our wheels allows us to forget about this difficult situation. For me, as for many of you, riding an EUC is a great way to relax and manage stress. It’s also the cheapest mean of transportation – by switching from a car to a wheel, we can save a lot of money!

That’s why I’m not surprised that EUC World is gaining new users, who use the app and the EUC World online services more and more frequently and intensively. This makes me very happy. Unfortunately, user support for the project is declining and this makes me feel sad. Fewer and fewer users are choosing to support the project with even a minimal donation. Meanwhile, the costs of operating the EUC World project have not decreased at all, but are increasing all the time. In early July, EUC World server experienced a serious failure of the disk array that stores your CSV files, tours, photos and videos. Storage subsystem was repaired after a few hours, but then I realized that if this situation won’t change, it will be more and more difficult for me to ensure funding for the EUC World project operation and development. Another challenging thing (at least for me) is that wheel manufacturers are now launching new EUC models more often. Providing support for these wheels in EUC World app requires not only significant amount of work, but is also costly.

For this reason, as of August 1, 2022, tour recording and CSV logging will be available to Premium users only. To be more specific – regular users will still be able to record tours and log data to CSV files locally, but they won’t synchronize with the EUC World account. Becoming a Premium user won’t only allow you to synchronize all new tours and logs, but also those recorded in last 30 days will be synchronized.

In addition, the minimum donation amount will now be 5 EUR/USD/GBP or 20 PLN. This is related to the fact that with each donation, regardless of the amount, the payment operator charges a fixed amount of transaction fee. Until now, with a €2 donation, about a one third was taken by the payment agent instead of serving the EUC World users.

These are the only changes that will affect EUC World users. Still, with donation of 20 EUR you will get about a year of Premium. Actually, due to latest currency exchange rates, you can expect to get even more for the same price than previously.

I hope I can count on your understanding. EUC World exists and grows thanks to my work and your support. Alone, without your support, nothing will happen. My plans for the coming months are quite ambitious. First of all, I’ve already started work on the EUC World 3 app. It will be a new, improved successor of the current app that we all use and like. It will be available not only for owners of Android devices, but also for iPhone owners. In addition, I intend to greatly expand the social features in EUC World. I also want to add advanced functions for analyzing CSV logs, which will allow you to better understand the operation of your wheels, learn about their capabilities, and find the causes of problems and accidents (cutouts, overleans etc.). I also plan to spend more time creating and publishing valuable tutorials on this blog and helpful videos on EUC World YouTube channel that will allow you to get more out of EUC World.

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